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BLS (Basic Life Support) training for healthcare professionals

  1. You’ve undoubtedly already taken a BLS (Basic Life Support for a Health Care Provider) class if you work in the medical field.
  2. people who work as Physicians, nurses, EMTs, and medical students are required to be BLS certified. Our Trainers have Medical background thus makes training easier to follow and knowledge filled.
  3. Even if BLS training is not necessary, it might enhance the resume of a home health aide, orderly, midwife, or other care professional.
  4. We follow the Current National Recommendations for saving a life Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care are covered in our BLS course.

The 6 links in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival are:

  1. Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system (calling 9-1-1 in the US)
  2. Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions
  3. Rapid defibrillation
  4. Advanced resuscitation by Emergency Medical Services and other healthcare providers
  5. Post-cardiac arrest care
  6. Recovery (including additional treatment, observation, rehabilitation, and psychological support)